



Internet services - Part 4 (Final Part)


The Internet provides access to various Web-based services that can help you in your day-to-day tasks. Let us take a look at some of these services.

Search Engine 

Do you want to know about the various career options available once you complete your education? An ocean of information is just a click away. You can use a search engine, such as Google, Bing or Alta Vista, to search for any kind of information that you need. 

A search engine is a software system that searches and retrieves the required information on World Wide Web. After searching for the required information, it displays the search results consisting of' a list of hyperlinks of various websites that may contain the information that you are looking for.

You can click and explore these hyperlink to find the desired information.


You have searched the Web and found some good information related to various career options. Now, you want to share this information with your friend. You can do this by using Electronic Mail (Email). Email is a method of sending and receiving messages from one person to another. A message may contain text, images or attachments (files). To send or receive messages, you need to first create an account on a website that provides email facility. Some of these websites are www.yahoomail.com, www.gmail.com and www.hotmail.com.

While creating an email address, provide your preferred email ID and password. If this email ID is not already taken by another user, it is assigned to you. On the basis of the email ID, an email address is generated. For example, if you provided your email ID as rahul, your email address will be something like rahul@gmail.com. People will use your email address to send messages to you. To send and read messages, you need to log on to your account by providing your email ID and password.

Once logged on, you can compose, read and send email messages. An email message can contain the following components:

 To: Specifies the email address of the recipient who will receive the email. 

Cc: Stands for Carbon Copy. It specifies the email addresses of the people to whom you are sending a copy of the mail. However, the person is not the direct recipient of the mail. For example, when your Science teacher sends a mail to your parents informing them about your performance in the Science exam, she may include your class teacher's email address in the Cc field. In this case, the mail is not meant for the class teacher. She has just been marked a copy of the mail to keep her informed. 

Bcc: Stands for Blind Carbon Copy. Bcc is similar to Cc. However, the email addresses appearing in the Bcc field will not appear in the email header. As a result, the recipients specified in the To and Cc fields will not get to know that a copy of the message has been sent to other recipients. For example, you want to send New Year greetings to your friends and relatives. For this, you have drafted an email that you want to send to all your friends and relatives. In this case, you can specify the email IDs of all your friends and relatives in the Bcc field. As a result, the mail will be sent to all of them, however, none of them will come to know that the same mail has been sent to a number of other people too. 

  • Subject: Specifies the subject of the email. 
  • Message body: Specifies the actual message that is being sent.
  •  Attachment: Allows you to attach files and images with the email.

Concepts Learned 

  • The Internet helps us to connect with people across the world.
  •  To connect to the Internet, you need a computer, an ISP subscription, a modem and a communication software. 
  • The WWW is a system of interlinked documents maintained on various computers on the Internet. 
  • A website is a collection of interconnected Web pages displaying related information on a particular subject. 
  • A Web server can be referred to as a computer that helps to deliver the Web content through the Internet.
  • You can connect to the Internet by using one of the following three modes of Internet connection:
  •  A protocol defines a common set of rules used by network computers to share data and communicate. 
  • A search engine is a software system that searches and retrieves the required information on the WWW.

We have completed all parts of  INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNET is it easy and simple to understand for everyone.

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